Creativity Scrapbook

This is not really a diary, but rather and accumulation of art, whether it be painting, poetry, sewing, photography or any other creative endeavour of mine... though it may occasionally contain some stuff I've been thinking... If you are interested in buying an original or a print or commissioning art, feel free to contact me.

My Photo
Location: New Zealand

I love painting, photography, children and nature. If you would like to visit my Facebook page, it is Keryn Bloxham Artist. Or simply Google Keryn Bloxham :) I hope you enjoy reading through the blogs here. For other artists I sometimes include a few tips which I hope you find helpful when creating your own art :) Keryn

Saturday, September 23, 2006

I painted this yesterday, 22 Sep 06.

My soul clings to You

I painted this for a friend on 9th Sep 06.
It comes from Psalm 63:8 :)
A psalm of David. When he was in the Desert of Judah.
O God, you are my God,
earnestly I seek you;
my soul thirsts for you,
my body longs for you,
in a dry and weary land
where there is no water.

I have seen you in the sanctuary
and beheld your power and your glory.

Because your love is better than life,
my lips will glorify you.

I will praise you as long as I live,
and in your name I will lift up my hands.

My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods;
with singing lips my mouth will praise you.

On my bed I remember you;
I think of you through the watches of the night.

Because you are my help,
I sing in the shadow of your wings.

My soul clings to you;
your right hand upholds me...